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The nearly full moon rising over Jervis Bay, Australia, in blue hour as the last pink leav

Transitions and Identity

Outside of birth and death, we constantly experience beginnings and endings. The birth of a new career for example, or the death of a significant relationship. Even changes within our own body, particularly our womb space, hold great significance when it comes to our wellbeing.


Menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, miscarriage, birth, perimenopause and menopause are all transitions and rights of passage that are deserving of our attention. They are deeply connected to our sense of self, who we were before, and who we are now.


When pivotal moments such as these are left unattended, the ways in which we respond to ourselves and others can consciously or unconsciously be impacted, leading to feelings of disconnection and dis-ease. Low self-worth, perfectionism, anxiety, depression as well as physical symptoms  can all show up as manifestations of this. You may know how you’re feeling, and why you feel this way, or you may need some help working out what’s going on for you. Whatever your circumstance, I offer a safe, warm, and accepting space where you can process your experience at a pace that suits you.


Grief and ancestral work are often woven into the process of navigating identity. We grieve not only what we’ve had and lost, but also what we wished we had. This may be related to our health, a relationship, or other meaningful experience. When exploring childhood, inherited wounds can be revealed. Although challenging, shining light here can provide helpful insights into your patterns and behaviours, making room for movement and change.


The goal of this work is to make space for all parts of yourself, your past and your present, to be honoured and witnessed. When we lower the mask, and let go of the ‘should’s’, we remember the power and potential that we each hold when we allow ourselves to be truly who we are.


Above all, I believe in building a connection that is respectful and collaborative. This is about your unique journey. I welcome clients from all backgrounds, cultures and sexual orientations. So, when you feel ready, I invite you to call or send an email, and we can explore how we might work together.

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